Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Millie McFarland

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
— Romans15:13 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence singing praises to your name. Thanking you for all you do and everything you have done for me. I thank you for who you are; You are Sovereign and you reign over heaven and earth.

Father, I thank you that in you I have hope, joy and peace. You are my strong tower, my shield and buckler in my times of trouble. I live, move and have my being in you. Father, you up hold me when I am weak. Thank you for being my defense and my strength.

Father, I lift up every person reading this right now. If any is feeling down and out; Father be the lifter of their head. If any is feeling desperate or depressed give them the hope that only you can give. Spring up a well of joy unspeakable in their life, that they may see you in the middle of their circumstance. Father draw each by your spirit and show them your glory.

Father, I thank you for your unconditional love and for your hope that gives me a reason to live each day. I thank and praise you for who you are. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
