Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Tomas Reyes Jr.

I will praise you Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all your marvelous works.

I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
— Psalm 9:1-2

Lord, please remind me to praise you for all things, even the small insignificant things.  Sometimes I spend too much time and energy focusing on the most meaningful, expressive, and life changing actions that occupy my life and forget to praise your name for all of the “marvelous works” that you do.  Small things such as the very air we breathe, the food we eat, the sun that provides light and heat and makes light-day and night-darkness possible.

As I sit at my kitchen and look out my door, I can see the fully clothed trees that surround the yard and marvel at your grandness as life is fully exemplified in these trees.  Then I watch as the many birds fly about and use the tree branches as resting places.  I marvel at the way the grass grows that brings green life to small blue grass seed.

God, please continue to bless your world with your nature and your animals that occupy your planet earth.  We praise you for all the things you do on a daily basis for all of us. 

Please grant our leaders the wisdom to comprehend how valuable our earth is and what our sacred responsibility is based on your spirit.  Let us all pray that we can come together to agree on climate and conservation policies that have your spiritual guidance inherent in them.  At the end of the day, I acknowledge that this earth belongs to you and will be administered as you command.


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