Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Rebecca Hernandez-Rivera

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rebecca Hernandez Rivera

Heavenly Father, I am coming to your throne with a humble heart; thanking you for life, your grace, your mercy and your love that surpasses all understanding. 

Lord I pray that you forgive us of all our sins and mistakes that are done in a daily basis; help us to be more like you and less of this world. Lord I pray that everyone who read this can feel you and understand that you have chosen them to be your child; bless them Lord. 

Lord Father, your word states that we should not be anxious for nothing. So, I pray that if anyone is battling with fear, stress, anxiety, depression and sadness; that you may remove it at this moment. Father, instead pour your love, joy and peace, so that it will overtake their body, soul and mind. 

Lord as the holiday season approaches I pray that we can all have a thankful heart; for everything you have done and will continue to do. Let us understand that the work you started in us is not finished yet and that your purpose will be accomplished in us so that we can glorify you always. Thank you Lord. 

God, I present those who have petitions before your throne, may you answer it in your divine time and when you do, may they give you the glory. Father bless your people, bless their families, bless the community, bless this state, country and nation. We know you have everything under control, God. 

I pray all this in your name!


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