Our Daily Prayer for Wednesday - Alecia Andrews

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient.
— 2nd Timothy 2:24 NKJV

Theme Christian Servanthood

Scripture and prayer submitted by Alecia Andrews

Dear Lord, we come humbly to you, knowing that it is only through your spirit that we can serve with truth and love. In all we do and say, teach us not to fuss or quarrel, and to not be offended.

May we not be distracted by the noise and troubles of this world, though we know they will come.

May we count it as joy the challenges meant to break us, and be strengthened and patient.

May we be enveloped in your peace that surpasses all understanding.

May we remember that we are always entering into your sacred space because you are always with us, and within us.

Praise be to you Jesus, Amen.

“Y el siervo del Señor no debe ser contencioso, sino amable para con todos, apto para enseñar, sufrido.”

2 Timoteo 2:24 NVI

Señor amado, venimos humildemente a ti, sabiendo que solo a través de tu espíritu podemos servir con verdad y amor. En todo lo que hagamos y digamos, enséñanos a no pelearnos ni a alborotarnos, y a no ofendernos.

Que no nos distraiga el ruido y los problemas de este mundo, aunque sabemos que vendrán.

Que consideremos como alegría los desafíos que tienen como objetivo quebrantarnos, y que seamos fortalecidos y pacientes.

Que nos envuelva tu paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento.

Que recordemos que siempre estamos entrando en tu espacio sagrado porque tú siempre estás con nosotros y dentro de nosotros.

Alabado seas Jesús, Amén.

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