Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Mother & Daughter Amber Rose Trawick & Krystal Rose Hernandez

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
— Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Mother & Daughter

Amber Rose Trawick & Krystal Rose Hernandez

Scripture & Description by: Krystal Rose Hernandez (17 yr. old)

This is my favorite verse. It means that God is there to guide you every step of the way; and that He set the path straight for you to do everything He’s called you to do. It gives a sense of security; to know God has you in His hands, every step of the way.

Everything will be alright, because He knows the outcome and He has something great in store for you. You just have to trust Him and look to Him. He alone knows what the future holds for you; and it’s something great. Do not be discouraged or afraid of the future!

Prayer submitted by Amber:

Jesus, I worship your precious and Holy name; I thank you because we can come boldly before the Father, because of your shed blood. 

Today, I come before you on behalf of all those who may feel they have lost their way. For those who may feel like they are forgotten, alone and their future seems bleak and they are discouraged. I pray against the plans of the enemy to keep them in despair, hopelessness and discouragement. I come against the lies of the devil that says this is the way it is always going to be. I bind thoughts of depression and suicidal thoughts; in Jesus name. I plead the blood over minds to receive peace, not the peace the world gives, but the peace you give; that is beyond their understanding. 

I ask Lord, you would surround them with your thoughts of love; thoughts to give them hope and a future. A future that is bright and beautiful; filled with newness of life. I pray you would renew their strength like the eagles; that they would remember their strength comes from you. To remember in their weakness; you are made strong in them. 

Lord, renew the joy of their salvation. I thank you that your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. I thank you Lord, they are going from glory to glory; that you will receive the honor and praise from their lives. Because it is Christ in them, the hope of glory. Thank you for encouraging their hearts to continue forth, because your plans and thoughts towards them; are for their ultimate good!! 

Lord, I pray for supernatural visitation and habitation in their lives; that they would feel your manifest presence NOW, and not a second later because you’re a loving and gracious God; who longs to show your children mercy! 

It is in your precious and sweet name Jesus, and thru your blood we can have access to all your promises for they are yes and amen.


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