Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Minister Alexander LaLuz

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.
— Psalm 51:1-2 NIV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Minister Alexander LaLuz

"God's Mercy"

Lord, I thank you for your great mercy and compassion. You and Your love never fail. You have taken away all my transgressions and you have cleansed me.

Lord, pour down your mercy and love on every reader. Reach them and draw them to Your mercy seat that they may come to know You in the power of Your glory and mercy. Remind them that it is in You that they live, move and have their being.

Lord, you are great and rich in mercy and through Your sacrifice we have life. I thank you. In Your Holy name I pray.


“Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios, según tu amor inagotable; conforme a tu gran compasión borra mis transgresiones. Lava toda mi iniquidad y límpiame de mi pecado”.

Salmos 51:1-2 NVI

Escritura y Oración Presentado por: Ministro Alexander LaLuz

"Gracia de Dios"

Señor, te agradezco por tu gran misericordia y compasión. Tú y Tu amor nunca fallan. Has quitado todas mis transgresiones y me has limpiado.

Señor, derrama tu misericordia y amor sobre cada lector. Alcánzalos y atráelos a Tu propiciatorio para que lleguen a conocerte en el poder de Tu gloria y misericordia. Recuérdales que es en Ti que viven, se mueven y tienen su ser.

Señor, eres grande y rico en misericordia y por tu sacrificio tenemos vida. Te lo agradezco. En tu santo nombre oro.


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