Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Christine Nelson

So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable.”
— 1 Corinthians 15:42 NIV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Christine Nelson

Jesus became a life - giving spirit! Hallelujah, you also have become a life-giving spirit.

I pray that you walk in your purpose as a believer to bring new life to the world. Bringing those into an encounter with the living God. Be bold and allow the fire of God to fall on you, spreading the fire wherever you go!

We were buried with Him into death and were raised from the dead by the Father, so we can walk in the newness of life. Romans 6:4

Walk in this newness of life. Live in the supernatural, not the practical. The resurrection power that raised Jesus from the grave dwells inside you, walk in it; heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. Walk with your head held high, knowing and trusting in this supernatural power, believing in yourself the same way God believes in you.

I pray you tap into this power as a lifestyle, continually releasing the power of God in every situation.

Lord, we thank you for this divine opportunity to live in the fullness of Christ.

You are waiting for us, and we have fully surrendered to your will.

Thank you Jesus for this resurrection power available to every believer!

We believe and receive, in Jesus mighty name.....Amen.

“Así será con la resurrección de los muertos. El cuerpo que se siembra es corruptible, resucitará incorruptible”.

1 Corintios 15:42 NVI

Texto bíblico y oración presentado por: Christine Nelson

¿Ha sido resucitado por el poder de Dios? ¿Vivo como Cristo está vivo?

Entonces camine en el poder sobrenatural de Dios. Así como Cristo resucitó, vosotros también habéis sido resucitados de corruptibles a incorruptibles.

¡Jesús se convirtió en un espíritu que da vida! Aleluya, tú también te has convertido en espíritu vivificante.

Oro para que camines en tu propósito como creyente de traer nueva vida al mundo. Llevarlos a un encuentro con el Dios vivo. ¡Sé valiente y deja que el fuego de Dios caiga sobre ti, extendiendo el fuego dondequiera que vayas!

Fuimos sepultados con Él en la muerte y fuimos resucitados de entre los muertos por el Padre, para que podamos caminar en la novedad de la vida. Romanos 6:4

Caminen en esta novedad de vida. Vive en lo sobrenatural, no en lo práctico. El poder de la resurrección que levantó a Jesús de la tumba mora dentro de ti, camina en él; sanad a los enfermos, resucitad a los muertos y echad fuera demonios. Camina con la frente en alto, conociendo y confiando en este poder sobrenatural, creyendo en ti mismo como Dios cree en ti.

Oro para que aproveches este poder como un estilo de vida, liberando continuamente el poder de Dios en cada situación.

Señor, te damos gracias por esta oportunidad divina de vivir en la plenitud de Cristo.

Nos estás esperando y nos hemos rendido por completo a tu voluntad.

¡Gracias Jesús por este poder de resurrección disponible para cada creyente!

Creemos y recibimos, en el nombre poderoso de Jesús.....Amén.Have you been resurrected by the power of God? Alive as Christ is alive?

Then walk in the supernatural power of God. As Christ has been raised, you too have been raised from corruptible to incorruptible.

Jesus became a life - giving spirit! Hallelujah, you also have become a life-giving spirit.

I pray that you walk in your purpose as a believer to bring new life to the world. Bringing those into an encounter with the living God. Be bold and allow the fire of God to fall on you, spreading the fire wherever you go!

We were buried with Him into death and were raised from the dead by the Father, so we can walk in the newness of life. Romans 6:4

Walk in this newness of life. Live in the supernatural, not the practical. The resurrection power that raised Jesus from the grave dwells inside you, walk in it; heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. Walk with your head held high, knowing and trusting in this supernatural power, believing in yourself the same way God believes in you.

I pray you tap into this power as a lifestyle, continually releasing the power of God in every situation.

Lord, we thank you for this divine opportunity to live in the fullness of Christ.

You are waiting for us, and we have fully surrendered to your will.

Thank you Jesus for this resurrection power available to every believer!

We believe and receive, in Jesus mighty name.....Amen.