Our Daily Prayer for Tuesday - Brian K. Walton

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
— John 15:5 (NIV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Brian K. Walton

Eternal and most gracious Father, we thank you Lord and praise your Holy name; for this day and this life that you have bestowed upon us. Lord, we thank you for having the ability to see, hear, walk and talk with us. Lord God, we are so blessed because we have you for our God. Lord, we thank you for being so loving, forgiving and understanding.

Forgive us Lord, for this day and for everything that we have done, said or thought that was not pleasing in your sight. Lord God, who art in heaven, we thank you for being our heavenly gardener, the one who tends to our lives with such care and concern. Cleanse us oh Lord, and prune us; Lord, take away anything that you find in us that does not give glory to your Holy and righteous name.

Thank you Heavenly Father; that we are branches that are connected to the heavenly vine, the Lord Jesus Christ. May your life flow through us; the same way sap flows through the branch that is engrafted into its stem. Lord, fill us with your fullness; so that we may live, move, and grow from fruit, to more fruit, to much fruit; as we abide more and more in you because apart from you we can do nothing.

And now, as we go into the demands, surprises, and pains of this day, knowing that you are praying for the fullness of our joy, we will seek to live for the praise of your glorious grace.

In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

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