Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Lakeisha Singleton

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
— Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Lakeisha Singleton


Subtitle: “The Lord is willing to renew, revive, and replenish.”

Lord, we thank and praise you for your holy spirit that renews, revives, and replenishes us from day-to-day. At times, we are not worthy to receive your spiritual endowment but you continue to bless us anyway and for that we are grateful.

Father, sometimes our burdens are too much for us to bear and causes us to feel heavy-laden, stressed, and tired. However, we are like the psalmist who said, “I will lift mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth…” [Psalm 121 v. 1-2].

Lord, we ask that you renew our minds so that we can meditate on You and your Word day and night; and think and see clearly so that we are not confused by what we see or hear in the natural.

Lord, we ask that you revive our spirits so we will remain in constant prayer, humility, and service. Teach us to acknowledge that your spirit is holy and we must honor you by living a holy life that reflects you in all that we do and say.

Lord, we ask that you replenish our bodies so that we sleep well without worrying or demonic interference. We know that the enemy is cunning and tries to attack us while we are asleep but Father you are our Protector and the God who never slumbers or sleeps. Father, please replenish our physical man so that we are healthy and able to have full use of our earthly temples.



Subtítulo: “El Señor está dispuesto a renovar, revivir y reponer”.

Señor, te damos gracias y te alabamos por tu espíritu santo que nos renueva, revive y nos renueva día a día. A veces, no somos dignos de recibir tu investidura espiritual, pero de todos modos continúas bendiciéndonos y por eso te estamos agradecidos.

Padre, a veces nuestras cargas son demasiado para nosotros y nos hacen sentir agobiados, estresados y cansados. Sin embargo, somos como el salmista que dijo: “Alzaré mis ojos a los montes de donde vendrá mi socorro. Mi socorro viene del Señor que hizo los cielos y la tierra…” [Salmo 121 v. 1-2].

Señor, te pedimos que renueves nuestra mente para que podamos meditar en Ti y en tu Palabra día y noche; y pensar y ver claramente para que no nos confundamos con lo que vemos u oímos en lo natural.

Señor, te pedimos que avives nuestros espíritus para que permanezcamos en constante oración, humildad y servicio. Enséñanos a reconocer que tu espíritu es santo y debemos honrarte viviendo una vida santa que te refleje en todo lo que hacemos y decimos.

Señor, te pedimos que repongas nuestros cuerpos para que podamos dormir bien sin preocupaciones ni interferencias demoníacas. Sabemos que el enemigo es astuto y trata de atacarnos mientras dormimos pero Padre tu eres nuestro Protector y el Dios que nunca se adormece ni duerme. Padre, por favor renueva nuestro hombre físico para que estemos sanos y podamos tener pleno uso de nuestros templos terrenales.


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