Our Daily Prayer for Thursday - Develyn Gutierrez

I am the Lord , the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?
— Jeremiah 32:27 NLT

Scripture & Prayer submitted by:  Develyn Gutierrez

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this new day. I praise your Holy name; I give you all the glory and all the praise, because you are the God that allowed us to see it. 

I pray this very moment for those that are going through some kind of turmoil or ailments. Lord, I pray that your blessed love and grace will cover them; that it will remind them that you are our God, our Healer and that there is nothing too hard for you. What is impossible for men, is possible for you Lord. Remind us that we go through impossible situations, so that our trust and dependence can grow in you alone.

Lord, to you be all the praise and all the glory; cover every single person praying this prayer, that they can feel the power of Your Love and the free spirit of your grace. In your mighty name I pray.
