Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Zayda Casiano

But those who wait for Jehovah

they will have new strength

They will raise wings like eagles, they will run and not be

they will tire; They will walk and not be weary.
— Isaiah 40:31 KJV


Scripture and prayer submitted by Zayda Casiano

Father, in our walk with you

We recognize that just as the

moments of immense joy and joy

We also experience the

storm and moments that tend to

weaken us, but Thank you for your word,

that reminds us that even in those

difficult moments you are with them

that they wait for you.

Help us Father to always remain waiting

in you, crying out and seeking your face. that even

When we lack words, let us remain faithful, trusting

that you know our heart and give us strength

necessary for every day.

With your help father we will raise wings like

the Eagle !!! And we will continue walking in pursuit

of you in every storm.

Thank you Father for the privilege of having you

our side and know that in the midst of everything we will never

we are alone

Thank you for your promise of Renewal and Hope.

I love you, father !! AMEN

“Pero Los que esperan a Jehovatendran nuevas fuerzaslevantaran alas como las aguilas , correran y no secansaran ; caminaran y no se fatigaran.”Isaiah 40:31  RVR.Tema : RENOVACIÓN Y ESPERANZA

Escritura y oración presentada por Zayda Casiano

Padre, en nuestro caminar contigoreconocemos que igual que losmomentos de inmensa  alegría y gozotambien experimentamos latempestad y momentos que tienden adebilitar nos  , pero Gracias por tu palabra,que nos recuerda que aun en esosmomentos difíciles tu estas con losque en ti esperan.Ayúdanos Padre a permanecer siempre esperandoen ti ,clamando y buscando tu rostro. Que auncuando nos falte palabras , sigamos fiel confiandoque tu conoces nuestro corazon y nos da las fuerzas necesaria para cada dia.Con tu ayuda padre levantaremos alas comoel Aguila !!! Y seguiremos caminando en posde ti en toda tempestad .Gracias Padre por el privilegio de tenerte anuestro lado y saber que en medio de todo nuncaestamos solo.Gracias por tu promesa de Renovación y Esperanza.Te Amo Padre !!  AMEN

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