Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Carmen Rosita Cornacchia

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe
— Proverbs 29:25 (NKJV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Carmen Rosita Cornacchia

My Dear Father, as Covid -19 still looms, social unrest plagues our society, and our leaders create uncertainty, you are there to protect us. The true test is facing the unknown and trusting in you, Lord. Father, my protector, you will direct our paths as we maneuver these life challenges. You will hear our prayers and direct us in the path that we need to follow. Our anxiety is “past tense” as calmness permeates our souls with your loving words.

We have heard you in our thoughts as we chase the fear away. Fear is the detour to our chosen journeys. Our trust in you alleviates these impediments that often stumble our walk in life. Your voice resounds in our actions to trust him always. Father God, we give you glory and praise, even in times of difficulty. These tribulations bring us closer to trusting you Lord. The news, the media will not corrupt our minds into accepting fear as our barometer. Your protective arms encompass and embrace us with your love.

Lord, Our Father, please shield us from temptations, evil and doubt. Satan attempts to control our outcome. As we are soldiers in your kingdom, we will continue to march in your name. Please protect against the forces that will crumble your “protective” wall. We are reinforcements with your strength and encouragement. Adherence to your divine purpose for our lives will be done.

Our prayers will be lifted above for your direction and protection as we face each day. Father we honor and love you, in Jesus’s name.


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