Our Daily Prayer for Sunday - Virginia Giordano

On that day this song shall be sung in the land of Judah:

“A strong city* have we;

he sets up victory as our walls and ramparts

open up the gates

that a righteous nation may enter,

one that keeps faith

With firm purpose you maintain peace;

in peace, because of our trust in you.”

Trust in the LORD forever!

For the LORD is an eternal Rock
— Isaiah 26:2-4

“On that day this song shall be sung in the land of Judah:

“A strong city* have we;

he sets up victory as our walls and ramparts

open up the gates

that a righteous nation may enter,

one that keeps faith

With firm purpose you maintain peace;

in peace, because of our trust in you.”

Trust in the LORD forever!

For the LORD is an eternal Rock”

Isaiah 26:2-4

Dear Father God, the peace that comes through faith in You surpasses all human understanding. Help me to keep my faith in you alone that I would have peace at all times. Unfortunately , the world today, wants to destroy the peace I have through faith in You. Protect my mind and heart from the things of this world. Pour out your perfect peace and love and blessings. Amen 🙏

“En aquel día se cantará este cántico en la tierra de Judá:

“Tenemos una ciudad fuerte*;

Él establece la victoria como nuestros muros y baluartes.

abre las puertas

para que entre una nación justa,

uno que mantiene la fe

Con propósito firme mantienes la paz;

en paz, gracias a nuestra confianza en vosotros”.

¡Confía en el Señor para siempre!

Porque el SEÑOR es una Roca eterna”

Isaías 26:2-4

Querido Padre Dios, la paz que viene a través de la fe en Ti sobrepasa todo entendimiento humano. Ayúdame a mantener mi fe sólo en ti para que tenga paz en todo momento. Desafortunadamente, el mundo de hoy quiere destruir la paz que tengo a través de la fe en Ti. Protege mi mente y mi corazón de las cosas de este mundo. Derrama tu perfecta paz, amor y bendiciones. Amén 🙏

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