Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Tomas & Grace Reyes

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
— Hebrews 10:23 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Married couple Tomas and Grace Reyes

Heavenly Father, we come in unison to offer you Praise and Worship.  Father, we thank you for all of the blessings we enjoy daily, especially your protection and our health.  We are thankful for strengthening us daily, as we traverse both physical and spiritual obstacles.

We hold fast to our faith as we endeavor to encourage others.  We know by experience that you are faithful and respond meaningfully to our prayers.  We ask you Lord, to heal our land and unite us O Lord, from the enemy’s attempt to assume control over our lives.

May your will be done in the determination of the future of this country and this world.  Give us wisdom as we go forward each day and Hope in you as we face the challenges and uncertainties ahead.  Remind us in your word of your promises to the faithful.

Heal those who are sick of heart and body Lord, and please Father God comfort those who are hurting and have lost loved ones.  We are asking for deliverance Lord and we believe you will do just that. 

In your mighty name we pray.
