Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Minister Alexander & Alex LaLuz

The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice,
And he who begets a wise child will delight in him.
— Proverbs 23:24 (NKJV)

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Father & Son

Minister Alexander & Alex LaLuz

A Father's Heart:

Lord God, we live, move and have our being in you. We magnify and glorify your Holy name. We rejoice and delight in You.

Lord God, help me be a godly example to my son; that he may see You through me. I pray he walks worthy in your sight. Guide and protect my son from all harm. Give me wisdom to teach him how to live in your word; during these perilous times.  Lord, let him rejoice and trust in you above all. I pray that you reveal to him, his purpose in You. Bring him closer to you, and keep him safe and secure in your bosom. I turn him back over to you; so, you may raise him up to be a mighty warrior. 

Lord God, I pray for all the young men out there that may be fatherless; raise up mentors to stand in the gap. Give our men a heart for the youth that may need a father figure or big brother in their life. God, reveal yourself to these young men and be the father that they need for you are our ultimate father. Infill them with your love and guide them in the path they shall go. Give us a heart to reach these young men and let us be true godly examples.

A Son's Heart (14 yrs. Old) :

Dear God, I pray that you keep my dad safe. I pray you be with him wherever he goes. I thank you for giving me a father that knows you and has taught me your ways.

I thank you because my dad has been in my life all my and he has shown me your love. I thank you God, for keeping my family safe; especially during this Pandemic. I thank you for blessing us and for always making sure we had a meal to eat. God, I ask that you help me make my dad proud. Let me follow his footsteps as he follows yours.

Lord God, we thank you for each other. We pray you continue to bless our family and that you keep us together in peace and unity.

In Jesus Precious name.
