Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Rev. Cynthia Johnson

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done with love.
— 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NKJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Rev. Cynthia Johnson

Food for thought:

As we anticipated showing and sharing "love" this past Valentine’s day, let us remain mindful of the greatest "love—agape, the Father’s love" for us to be shared among us.

Theme: "The Greatest Love"

Gracious Father, thank You for "loving" us. Because You "love" us, You unselfishly, unconditionally and wholeheartedly gave Yourself to us. Because You "loved" us, You gave Your Son to bring forgiveness, salvation and hope to the world. Because you "love" us, you are compassionate and patient toward us Because you "love" us you bless us with Your mercy, grace and favor. We thank You and praise You for being so "loving." You have "loved" us with an everlasting "love."

Bring us into remembrance that You are in us and therefore, so is Your "agape." Help us to reveal Your "love" to the world; may we be watchful for opportunities to be a blessing to others; may we withstand the pressures—internal and external—that sometimes come to oppose the acts that demonstrate Your "love" to the world. Help us remember that when we spread Your "love" we glorify You. When we get weak and weary of well-doing, help us look beyond ourselves and stand strong in faith.

Thank you for Your Holy Spirit Who empowers, encourages and guides us in the work You have put our hands to do. Thank You for never giving up on us. Thank You for continuing to "love" us, teaching us to "love" one another. Let all we do—in word, in deed and in thought—be done with "love."  In Jesus name I pray. 


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