Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Prayer Warrior

You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
— James 2:24 ESV

“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

James 2:24  ESV

Scripture and prayer submitted by: Prayer Warrior

Theme: Faith

Heavenly Father,

You made me and You love me.

My circumstances do not define me, my identity is that I am Your child.

Your word says that although people plan their course in their hearts,

it is You who establishes our steps.

Whatever I do today, Your loving eye is on me and You have promised to guide me.

I can do nothing without You giving me the strength to do it.

The desires of my heart can only be satisfied in You.

Guide my steps, Lord, to follow You.

Through Christ, our Lord


“Ya ves que el hombre es justificado por las obras y no solo por la fe”.

Santiago 2:24 NVI

Escritura y oración enviadas por: Guerrero de Oración

Tema: Fe

Padre celestial,

Tú me hiciste y me amas.

Mis circunstancias no me definen, mi identidad es que soy Tu hijo.

Tu palabra dice que aunque la gente planee su camino en su corazón,

eres Tú quien establece nuestros pasos.

Haga lo que haga hoy, Tu ojo amoroso está sobre mí y Tú me has prometido guiarme.

No puedo hacer nada sin que Tú me des la fuerza para hacerlo.

Los deseos de mi corazón solo pueden ser satisfechos en Ti.

Guía mis pasos, Señor, para seguirte.

Por Cristo, nuestro Señor
