Our Daily Prayer for Monday - Geraldine Lancey

Immediately Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of Peter and said to him,
”you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
Then those in the boat worshipped Him and said, “Truly you are the Son of God.
— Matthew 14:31-33
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. “I have overcome the world.
— John 16:33 NIV

Scriptures and prayer by Geraldine Lancey:

Theme: Believe

"Those Who Believe" and "Those Who Doubt"

Consider the beauty and order of the world you see with all its complexity of the universe.

The splendor and visual details of creation informing your heart to God the magnificent designer.

“And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven.”

Acts 9:3 KJV

" Live your life with purpose and perseverance" and "Believe by Grace"

Look to your future with excitement and do everything you can to achieve your dreams and your goals.

God has a plan for your life with a blessed purpose.

Believe in His power to help you, by focusing on Him and His loving nature.

Be centered around your precious Savior, who is working in you.

He is the one you praise, thanking Him for the comfort of His love which is abundantly available yo you always.


“Al instante Jesús extendió la mano, agarró a Pedro y le dijo:

"tú de poca fe, ¿por qué dudaste?" Cuando subieron a la barca, el viento cesó.

Entonces los que estaban en la barca lo adoraron y dijeron: "Verdaderamente eres Hijo de Dios".

Mateo 14:31-33 NVI

"En este mundo tendrás problemas. Pero anímate. "He vencido al mundo."

Juan 16:33 NVI

Tema: Creer

"Los que creen" y "Los que dudan"

Considera la belleza y el orden del mundo que ves con toda su complejidad del universo.

El esplendor y los detalles visuales de la creación informando tu corazón a Dios, el magnífico diseñador.

“Y mientras viajaba, llegó cerca de Damasco; y de repente lo rodeó de resplandor una luz del cielo”.

Hechos 9:3 RVR1960

Escrituras y oración por Geraldine Lancey

"Vive tu vida con propósito y perseverancia" y "Creer por gracia"

Mira hacia tu futuro con ilusión y haz todo lo posible por alcanzar tus sueños y tus metas.

Dios tiene un plan para tu vida con un bendito propósito.

Cree en Su poder para ayudarte, enfocándote en Él y Su naturaleza amorosa.

Céntrate en tu precioso Salvador, que está obrando en ti.

Él es a quien alabas, agradeciéndole por el consuelo de su amor que está abundantemente disponible para ti siempre.


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