Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Vanessa Porrata

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:6-7

Scripture & Prayer submitted by: Vanessa Porrata

Heavenly Father, I humbly give you thanks for saving my life on 9/11/01 (19 years ago

today) during the horrific events that took place all around me that morning near the World Trade Center. Unbeknownst to my coworkers and I, we were in for a day of tragedy all around us that would be recorded in the history books. 

Thank you God because your love and mercy endures forever. Thank you because even during the chaos when I was finally able to speak to my mom, as phone connections were going in and out , I told her if I didn't make it, to take care of my son who was only three years old back then. You used her in the few seconds we had on that call, and she gave me these orders... “Get on your knees and cling to your faith!” Just like the scripture quoted above, I became anxious for nothing, I prayed and was filled with peace! That mustard seed faith guarded my heart and mind! 

Lord, You never left my side! There was no other way to get home than to take a ferry across the river and walk for miles the rest of the way. We walked on ashes to get to the ferry. My heart was in despair to see how the enemy could take innocent lives and sprinkle terror on the ground. As the ferry pulled away on the river, I stared at the black cloud of smoke bellowing from where the towers once stood. Then to the left of that somber image, was the Statue of Liberty. Standing tall, representing our freedom and there to remind me that we must withstand all the darts of the enemy and remain standing tall!! You Father God are our Protector! Jehovah-Nissi! Despite the darkness in those smoke clouds, You allowed me to focus on the silver lining... 

Thank you Father God because although the events were huge, You were bigger Lord! You still remain on the throne! For weeks and months Your loving peace filled the hearts of those who mourned. You brought complete strangers together as rescue workers searched through rubble all in an effort that is a product of your love. That is just one example of the love you give and fill us with. Ágape love!

Thank you Lord, for allowing NYC to rebuild. Thank you for giving everyone affected in one way or another the strength to persevere. Our strength comes from You. Thank you because you answered my prayers that day! My supplication was to make it home alive that day and be able to see my son grow up. He is now 22 and you blessed me with a second son one and a half years later. What an awesome and powerful God we serve! You are worthy of all praise! I will worship you all of my days!! 

Thank you Jesus! Amen, Amen!