Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Bishop Kenneth Trawick

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
— Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Bishop Kenneth Trawick


Consider this:

As we reminisce and ponder the events of 2020, we have faced uncertain days and challenges that have caused us to be elevated to a "new" level of faith and trust in the Lord. Often, we do not understand the various seasons that God allows us to weather.  However, as we look back over our journey, we see Gods will and purpose for it all. Today marks a "new" year and a "new beginning". As the Prophet Isaiah prophecies of a "new beginning", he starts by saying forget the former things and to not consider them in your faith journey.  Hanging on to the past will not allow us to spring forth into the "new" season that God has prepared for this new year.  Today we say goodbye to 2020 and we greet this new year with excitement and anticipation.


Heavenly Father, we pause to give you praise and thanks for seeing us through the trials and struggles of this past year.  We also, with grateful hearts thank you for the victories and triumphs. You have been faithful in our lives.  

I pray that you will help us to follow the example of Paul and forget those things that are behind us and press into this "new" year with faith and determination.  Father, we place our families, our health, our church, our ministries in your hands and thank you in advance for every victory and for every blessing you have already prepared for us. 

We are determined to serve you with greater faith in this "new" season and testify of your goodness.  By the authority that you have given to us we call all this done in Jesus name. 


Happy New Year 2021!!

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