Our Daily Prayer for Saturday - Ruth Doran

He bears witness to what he has seen and heard, yet no one receives his testimony.

Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true.
— John 3:32-33 ESV

“And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be Submitted by Ruth Doran, you and your household."

Acts 16:31 ESV

Theme Believing

Scripture and prayer submitted by Ruth Doran

My Dearest Jesus,

You came down to earth to save me and told me to have faith in You.

You said that with faith I can even say to the mountain,

"Go and throw yourself into the sea," and it will be done.

In my mind I know that if I truly believe, trust and have faith in You,

I will receive whatever I ask for in Your holy name.

I believe in You, Jesus.

I believe that You are Lord.

You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

You are God Most High.

Jesus, take away all doubt that I may have.

Erase my unbelief.

I deliver myself fully into Your hands.


“Él da testimonio de lo que ha visto y oído, pero nadie recibe su testimonio.

Quien recibe su testimonio pone su sello en esto: que Dios es veraz”.

Juan 3:32-33 NVI

“Y ellos dijeron: "Cree en el Señor Jesús, y serás sometido por Ruth Doran, tú y tu casa".

Hechos 16:31 NVI

Tema Creyendo

Escritura y oración presentada por Ruth Doran

Mi querido Jesús,

Bajaste a la tierra para salvarme y me dijiste que tuviera fe en Ti.

Dijiste que con fe puedo decirle hasta a la montaña,

"Ve y tírate al mar", y así será.

En mi mente sé que si realmente creo, confío y tengo fe en Ti,

Recibiré todo lo que pida en Tu santo nombre.

Creo en Ti, Jesús.

Creo que Tú eres Señor.

Eres el Creador del Cielo y de la Tierra.

Eres Dios Altísimo.

Jesús, quita toda duda que pueda tener.

Borra mi incredulidad.

Me entrego plenamente en Tus manos.
