Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
— Ephesians 5:20 ESV

Scripture & Prayer Submitted by: Millie McFarland

Eternal and Righteous Father, I come into your throne room of grace with a heart of thanksgiving. I thank you for who you are and all that you do. Father, I give you all the glory and honor for there is none like you. You alone are God; creator of heaven and earth.

Lord, I thank you for letting me open my eyes this morning and allowing me to see a brand new day. I thank you for your provision in all of my needs. I thank you for the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet. You are a good, good Father that takes care of me and loves me through it all.

Father, I thank you for my family, my friends, my church family and the readers here on Blessed Keys. I pray that you love, shelter and keep them from all harm. I pray that you sustain them and provide for them as you sustain and provide for me. If any are struggling, if any is sick, or if any are bound by sin; I ask that you be their way maker, their healer and their deliverer. Reveal yourself to them in their time of need. Show them your GLORY, so they may serve you and only you.

Father, I can't thank you enough for who you are. You are Sovereign and God over all. I thank you for loving me unconditionally and for never leaving nor forsaking me. I lay this prayer of gratitude at your feet. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
