Our Daily Prayer For Friday - Zona Sydnor-Walton

Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
— Lamentations 3:22-23

Prayer submitted by: Zona Sydnor-Walton

Father God you have allowed us to open our eyes and see another day. Thank you for life, health and the ability to use our limbs. Thank you for being a good, good Father who looks after his children. 

Today Lord we are seeking your presence and your peace. We desire to sit at your feet and worship you. We desire to be used by you at all times. We are striving to be more like you and to seek your face in the midst of our difficulties. We don't want to be confused, we don't want to be anxious for anything, we just want to be willing vessels that you can rely on to handle your business here on earth. You are El Roi, the God who sees us; you are Jehova Jireh our provider. You are the same God who delivered us out of our darkest moments and we come today with no doubts that will you do it again. 

Forgive us Father for our transgressions; forgive us for the times we did not exercise faith as immediately as we could have; forgive us for times when situations threatened to knock us down and we allowed doubt to creep in. But Lord we are excited to know that weapons may form but you cut them off before they prosper. Thank you Father because what others meant for evil, you always turn it around for our good.  How blessed we are to know that through your mercies we are not consumed because your compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness! 

Lord we continue praying for healing from sickness, praying for covering for all essential employees, for our world leaders, our Pastors, and all those who are experiencing some type of loss. We also send up prayers for Pastor Trawick and First Lady Pam. 

Thank you Lord for being there for us. Meet the needs of every reader; and we will give you all the honor and praise. 

In Jesus name we pray. Amen

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