Our Daily Prayer for Friday - Millie McFarland

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
— Romans 12:10 ESV

Theme: "Love one another"

Eternal Father, I praise you for who you are and all you do. You are a good and faithful Father. I thank you for "loving" me and always taking care of me.

Father, your word tells us to "love one another;" help me to "love" wholeheartedly and let your "love" shine through me. Give me a pure heart and the compassion to help those that are struggling. Father, I want to walk worthy and be more like you. Teach us to "love" without conditions and to be genuine

Father, as I pray I think about all the people that are sick battling Covid, cancer and various other diseases; a lot of them are isolated and having to go through this alone. So, I pray that you send healing virtues to all that are sick, raise them up and restore their health. I pray you envelop them with your "love" and reassure them you are right there with them. Father, give them strength, comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding as they recover.

Lord, I thank you for being mindful of me and restoring my health. I thank you for hearing my hearts cry. In your mercy and grace I pray.
